Blue Screen / Operating System Issues

Gold Coast PC Repairs is the most trusted computer repairs company on the coast. We have over 30 years experience in all things IT, serving major corporations such as Dreamworld & Newscorp Australia, as well as 5000+ general clients.

My Computer Won't Boot Into Windows OR Mac OS

Don't panic, these issues can happen more commonly than you would think. This can be due to failing hard drives, bad updates being installed or corrupted programs/files. In almost all cases, we are able to either successfully repair the file system or at least re-install one with your data backed up onto the desktop. Give us a chance to go through it with one of our computer evaluations and we can provide an obligation-free quote.

what services do we provide?

Affordable Computer Repair Evaluations

Are you looking for the most competitive rates when it comes to computer repairs? Call us to get the most competitive inspection fees on the coast

In addition, in some circumstances we may be able to help you over the phone or provide some basic advice for free.

Blue Screen Errors

Blue screen errors can be very frustrating, some appear every time you boot up and some come sporadically. Getting to the bottom of the cause can often be challenging. Let us go through and investigate the cause, then provide some repair options to get things running smoothly again.

Mac Folder With Question Mark

Similar to windows computers, Macs also have OS issues. If you ever see this icon, it means the computer has an unbootable operating system. This could be due to Hard Drive failure, OS corruption or viruses. We highly encourage you to bring your mac in for further evaluation.

Some Of our Customer Testimonies

Frequently Asked Computer Questions

  • My Computer Keeps Coming Up With "Windows Could Not Start Correctly"?

    This screen is telling that something has gone wrong with booting into your Operating System. If you press advanced options, there are a few options to check for startup errors, or uninstall recent updates. If selecting these does not change the outcome, we highly encourage you to bring the computer in for further evaluation.

  • I sometimes get blue screens, but not often. What could it be?

    Blue screens can happen for all sorts of reasons, it is essentially the computer telling you that it panicked and didn't know how to keep operating normally. For rare appearances of BSOD's, you may want to pay attention to what you may be plugging into your computer, or what programs you are running at the time. Try to identify a pattern. If you still have trouble, bring it into Gold Coast PC Repairs for a free evaluation.

  • I just updated my MAC OS, now it won't boot. Can it be fixed?

    Unfortunately, sometimes these upgrades do fail or get stuck & there is not a whole lot you can do about it. Get in touch with us to get your data backed up & a new OS installed.

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